Kidney Disease in Cats

Kidney Disease in Cats

One common ailment in felines, especially as they age, is kidney disease. It’s often hard to tell when cats are under the weather. They don’t always show obvious signs early on as much as dogs might. Some breeds such as Himalayans and Persians are...
August Specials!

August Specials!

We have two great specials going on for the month of August! It’s been a busy summer. Is it time for some pamper time? We are offering nail grooming for only $10.00 for all clients! Don’t forget about our other grooming services as well. Our furry pets...
Yes, Your Pets Can Get Ringworm!

Yes, Your Pets Can Get Ringworm!

Chances are you thought you could only get ringworm from sweaty gym mats. Well, what you may not know is dogs and cats can contract this pesky fungus! Where is ringworm found? The ringworm fungus is most prevalent in hot, humid climates, so bad news for us Arizonians,...
Healthy Snacks for Your Furry Friends!

Healthy Snacks for Your Furry Friends!

Sometimes it’s nice to feed your pet with other alternative foods besides his or her pet food. We have listed some of our favorite healthy snacks for your pet. Peanut Butter (all natural) is one of the best treats to give to dogs because it lasts so long! Peanut...
Protect Your Pet in the Heat

Protect Your Pet in the Heat

Summer has arrived in sunny Arizona and along with that comes our often record breaking heat. Only a few minutes in such high temperatures can affect pets and risk their lives. For guests at The Furshire, we schedule pool splash time in the mornings during summer to...
Signs Your Pet May Be Sick

Signs Your Pet May Be Sick

The purr of a cat or wag of a dog’s tail are easy to understand, but the signs they display when they are sick may not be so easily understood. Since our beloved pets don’t communicate with the same language we speak, we have to learn to understand the ways they do...