The purr of a cat or wag of a dog’s tail are easy to understand, but the signs they display when they are sick may not be so easily understood.

Since our beloved pets don’t communicate with the same language we speak, we have to learn to understand the ways they do communicate to us.  A sudden loss of appetite or missing the litter box are two subtle signs that could indicate your dog or cat is sick.

Learn a few other signs that indicate a pet is sick so you can get them to a veterinarian in time for potentially life-saving treatment.


A sudden increase in body temperature is cause for concern. If the temperature is combined with crying out, aggressive behavior, lethargy and/or loss of appetite it’s an indication of a potential internal health emergency and your pet should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.

Potty Problems

Straining to urinate or defecate with little or no results are signs your dog or cat is sick. A cat with urinary tract infection will often miss the litter box and/or yowl loudly while trying to eliminate. A dog that has ingested a non-food item will often strain to defecate with no results because the item has become impacted in their digestive system.

Kidney Failure

Signs of kidney failure in dogs and cats include increased thirst, loss of appetite, a significant change in urination habits (either an increased or decreased production) vomiting, diarrhea, fowl smelling breath and lethargy.

Pet Poisoning
A poisoned pet may stop eating or drinking altogether. A cat or dog that has been poisoned may also drink excessive amounts of water. Changes in the breathing pattern or changes in tongue and gum color are also signs your cat or dog is sick from some type of poisonous substance.

Pet can be poisoned by ingesting ordinary household items like vehicle antifreeze, lawn and garden pesticides, insecticides or human medications. Stings or bites from insects or snakes or licking harmful species of toads can also be causes of pet poisoning.

Distress Signs

Other signs which may indicate your cat or dog is sick include seizures, collapse, vomiting or diarrhea that occurs more than three times within an hour.

Since pets are always trying to communicate with us, be mindful of any behavior that is abnormal and that could indicate your pet is sick.